Rules for #Transfurs on Furnet ## RECENT CHANGES ## 2014-Jan-13: Rule #09 added. 2013-Feb-09: Rule #08 added. 2012-Nov-04: Rule #07 added. ## RULES ## 01 :- Don't be an ass. The only prize you'll win is disciplinary action. 02 :- Respect others. We are all people, no matter gender, sexual preference, etc. and would appreciate being treated as such. 03 :- Stop means stop. 04 :- No politics or mainstream religion discussions. These two topics have proven, time and time again, to cause excessive amounts of drama. 05 :- Ops word is final, unless Op is drunk or overruled by Higher Powers. 06 :- Please, no sexual play; If you're just here to look for typesex, or to learn/practise the 'horizontal mambo', this is not the place, and you will be removed. 07 :- Please, don't let your AMSGes spill into channel. They have a large annoyance splatter-radius, and many users are fed up with being spammed. 08 :- It is preferred if conversations regarding illicit substances are not held in this channel. While it is entirely up to you what you put in your own body, not everyone desires to -- or can legally -- be a party to said discussions. Please direct all aforementioned conversations elsewhere, preferably a channel specifically for them. e.g #420furs Please also note rules 03 and 05. 09 :- Please, don't link to porn or hate material. It is not appropriate in a channel intended for support.