Hole drilled in the wrong place?
...What hole drilled in the wrong place?
Not the neatest on the inside, but it was my first go with bronze
brazing and it seems to be staying put, so I'm still happy with it.
Gearbox: Gaskets, Reassembled, Painted. (Well, etch primer, but close enough for now.) Back on the stand in the corner, so it's off my workbench for now. I'll have to carefully flush it out before I go and put oil in it, because I can still see a little bit of bronze shavings from the braze repair sticking to things.
Then, after a successful morning freeing off --and replacing -- a stubborn track-rod end in order to change a steering rack boot, I thought I'd crack on with that manifold I'd started! Especially now I've gotten a bit more tig practise! (And a lot more practise ensued!)
Made a right pigs-ear of the merge at the bottom because I didn't think it through enough before I welded the pipes together. Ah well. Next one should be better, I hope!
Need to tidy my ugly welds up at some point, but I'm pretty happy with it all told!
Is it a beautiful piece with stacked-dime welds, and a perfect merge? Oh goodness me no! It's pretty ugly, especially at the bottom where bodgery ensued. But for the first manifold I've made, and it all being stainless tig, I'm pretty happy. I can clean the welds up some, and it'll be adequate! You'll hardly see it, where it is.
Now to do the other side, and hopefully not run out of gas before I'm done...
That's almost a race engine now! Bedford airport crash tenders had twin Zenith 42VIR fanimolds so they could reach terminal velocity quicker. Would look good on your equipe.
Thanks! That sounds highly entertaining... extra performance for
getting to the scene of the crash quicker! (Whether the aircraft's
crash, or the fire tender's, is left as an exercise for the
I'm hoping I can come up with something for the intake manifold that
is something that looks like a mysterious factory piece or some sort
of period bizarre custom work. ...well, it'll certainly be bizarre
custom work, anyway.