Charlie's Echo: Totally Tubular

(← Return to Comfortably Numb)
Filed under: truck by tamber
14 Medi 2022 @ 01:23

Some welding and hammering noises slowly produce:

Could've sworn I had a slightly later on photo where that tread/stiffening bead wasn't quite so rough, but I can't seem to find it, so you'll just have to take my word on that. It would've been easier and better to put that bead in before welding the panel in place; but it was an afterthought, so I'm using a little forming block and a hammer in a fairly uncomfortable position due to obstructions.

Cable run tube thing in place! 's turned out quite nicely, I think.

But it did look a bit silly with only two wires running through it...

So why not run even more wires through it! That'll justify it alright!

All the stuff from the top of the engine dives down and goes in here, alongside the trigger wire for the starter...

And then all the engine wiring comes out nice and neat behind the alternator, in one convenient location. All on multi-plugs!

The third sensor now connected.

I have an idea in my head for what I'm aiming for technically, as far as as the inlet manifold goes; I just need to translate it into something aesthetically ... not appalling, at least. (And ideally something "vaguely factory-ish (prototype?) if you squinted, while holding a half-empty bottle of social lubrication in one hand")

For giggles, I did some noodling about with an online calculator, which claims that the ideal length for my intake runners is about 3 meters, which I'm not entirely sure I could realistically package in a sane way, but it's funny to imagine! How's that for a hi-ram?

More noodling to ensue.