Remember these things?
They go here:
And with a bit of jiggery-pokery, the linkage attaches like so.
And when the wiper motor is powered, it wiggles them! And when my new
wiper arms turn up -- because I still haven't found the previous set I
bought -- I can find out just how wrong I got the geometry.
Now, I did some maths to work out how long these needed to be, but it's very difficult to measure the arm on the wiper motor and I've clearly gotten the length wrong because the sweep looks very narrow indeed. That's easy enough to rectify, with another hole drilled in the new spindle arm and relocate the bolt; but I'm loathe to do that until I have the wiper arms on and know how far I can push things.
Quite pleased with that, I set about attaching things like brake pipes and the speedo cable with P-clips, and bolts that aren't a foot long. And when I trundled my way through that, I thought I might as well scrub up and paint some primer on the last bits of the inner chassis legs where I won't be able to get to them after the engine's in!
And after that I figured, I've already got the paintbrush out... how about doing an interior panel in that nice grey that it's supposed to be?
Yeah, like that. That's quite pleasing. That'll get another coat or two, and some sanding, and it'll be quite good.