Drilled a hole in the gearbox, today, for a reverse-light switch. Then I drilled another one, in the right place. Measure three times, still cock it up, and all that. Anyway, now I just have to make up a little retainer plate to hold the switch in, and cover the hole I drilled in the wrong place. I might
Fancy screws!
For holding that lumpy bit on the bottom of there.
What have I done since last time I posted? Sori, Bangor! (Ond ddim mewn gwirionedd.)
Well, I have learned a thing or two today. Does this seem vaguely familiar, in a way? Turns out, my guess that the servo's off a later truck, is spot on. The screenshot above is from a copy of the
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Time for the tiniest of updates! As a treat! Progress on the welding? I welded part of the passenger's side door step back in the wrong place, and I'm still in a little bit of a mood about it, two weeks later. It's not the end of the world, but I've got to unpick and re-weld in the right place, and I'm not feeling like it. Not helped by me also having to do a load of welding on the car, which
Read more…Core plugs. More rust-treatment. (45% phosphoric acid, no special brand.) Thermostat is an 82°C, 54mm jobbie. Seems pretty common.
Did some measuring, got a 36-1 trigger wheel for the crank trigger. Turned out, I screwed up my measuring. Outside diameter of the teeth is ... pretty much spot on for the outside diameter of the pulley.
Thinking about the lights again, I might just have to built it all up with the old-school incandescent light housings, and put in some decent LED bulbs. Always an option, if I get sick of chasing burnt out bulbs. In the meantime, I tore apart a perfectly working fuse-box because I